(March 21 – April 19) As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries represents the innovator, the one infront. Aries likes what’s new and to be the first to do it. Thereally adventurous Aries wants something unusual – sky diving, rock climbing,trekking through Nepal. Those who like less strenuous activities enjoynot only the new but exotic – a river cruise through Vietnam, a photo safari inAfrica, taking tango lessons in Argentina. In a group, Aries is quick toassume the role of leader, and tends to get bored without a lot of stimulationand a sense of discovery. The experience of the trip is heightened ifit’s to a place Aries hasn’t been before.
(April 20 – May 20) Taurus tends to be laid back, and enjoys comfort and serenity without too muchphysical exertion. As a Venus-ruled Earth sign, Taurus loves destinationsthat are home-like, yet with a touch of romance and exoticism. He or shewould like a luxurious train trip (such as the Orient-Express) through Europe,a cozy inn in the mountains or renting a vacation villa in Tuscany. Onthe road, Taurus does well traveling in an elegantly-appointed RV with a fewselect loved ones. Taurus enjoys good food and drink, so any trip shouldinclude places known for good food and beautiful scenery.
(May 21 – June 20) Gemini is a curious, interested multi-tasker who enjoys a variety ofactivities. Gemini likes to learn new things, and would enjoy a trip thatincludes museum-hopping, lively night life, musical events, art exhibitions,and day-tripping to out-of-the-way destinations. Gemini doesn’t like alot of structure or having to adhere to rules, and boredom sets inquickly. Even a “restful” beach should have entertaining activity (suchas parasailing) and opportunity for discovery (such as underwaterexploration). Almost any European city offers a perfect Geminiexperience.
(June 21 – July 22) Cancer is a nurturing sign, happiest in the company of people they love. Cancer is the kind of traveler who would prefer to unpack just once and have acentral “nest” from which to explore the surroundings. For a Europeanvacation, for example, Cancer would take pleasure from a house-exchange orstaying in quaint bed-and-breakfast inns. A favorite tour is of oldcastles and mansions, and beautiful gardens. Cancer is a Water signsoothed by being near water, so sharing with favorite family members a rivercruise or a lakeside cabin or an apartment on a picturesque canal is theperfect kind of holiday.
(July 23 – August 22) Leo is a people person and likes to be center of attention. Leo also isdrawn to the glamorous life – to places where celebrities are seen and theglitterati gather. Leo enjoys art and culture; cities like London, Paris,and New York that offer theater, nightclubs, film festivals, and elegant diningfit Leo’s vacation style. Leo tends to go for grand tours anddestinations that offer all the amenities. Whether it’s a hotel, a spa ora yacht, it should be a luxury experience. Leo likes to feel special andtravel first class, and certainly wouldn’t enjoy a trip on which he or she hasto watch pennies.
(August 23 – September 22) As an intellectually curious Earth sign, Virgo prizes order andstructure. Virgo likes to know what to expect and, being a goodorganizer, enjoys planning an itinerary in advance. Fond of digging intonew subjects, he or she would enjoy museums devoted to a specific theme (forexample, a museum of Indian culture, a museum of railway history), a cruisefocusing on wine, a walking tour of London’s famous writers, a trip thatteaches photography. Virgo is the sign of “utilization,” and thereforeenjoys practical knowledge (how to cook, how to recognize architecturalstyles).
(September 23 – October 22) Libra is artistic and romantic, drawn to aesthetics, and very otheroriented. He or she should travel with a partner – a close family member,friend, or (best of all) a lover – because, for Libra, an experience is madejoyous by sharing it. Libra also adores pampering, so even on anadventure trip (such as a safari) Libra leans toward elegance rather thanroughing it. Destinations that include romantic dining, art and music, anafternoon at a spa are in tune with Libran sensibilities. Libra alsolikes to shop, and interesting marketplaces should be on Libra’s travel agenda.
(October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio is highly intelligent, intense, and a control freak – and the result isa traveler who cares passionately about every aspect of the journey. Scorpio tends to micro-manage details and to become immersed in the culture ofa destination. Scorpio is interested in exotic, less-traveled places and,being a Water sign, drawn to the water. Engaging expeditions would be tothe Galapagos Islands to see wildlife in its natural habitat, a boat trip onthe Yangtze River in China, visiting ancient temples in Cambodia. Scorpiodoesn’t mind traveling alone and having free time for solitary exploration.
(November 22 – December 21) Sagittarius is the sign of “journeys of the body, mind and spirit,” and itsnatives take to travel the way a butterfly takes wing. Essentially, theSagittarian looks for freedom and expansive spaces, so he or she is anexplorer. Whether visiting a city or the countryside, Sagittarius must beable to roam and discover – and most definitely is not an organized-tour typeof person. Most comfortable in the great outdoors, good choices forSagittarius are trekking through Grand Canyon, climbing Mayan ruins inGuatemala, hiking up to Machu Picchu, photographing the elusive gorilla inUganda.
(December 22 – January 19) Capricorn is highly focused, a deep thinker, and needs control. Like allthe Earth signs, Capricorn is fond of stability. In travel, Capricorntakes charge of its own schedule and is not afraid to be on its own. Capricorn is drawn to the past and fond of history – a tour of Egyptianantiquities, learning about past European royalty, or studying the Arabicinfluence in Spain would appeal. Capricorn is physically strong and couldwithstand the rigors of an adventure trip to South America or to Australia tostudy the history of the aboriginals. Capricorn gravitates toward travelthat’s different.
(January 20 – February 18) Aquarius is a curious Air sign who lives in the mind and experiences the worldthrough intellect. A maverick who marches to a different drummer,Aquarius seeks out the unique, avoiding places where tourists flock. However,he or she does enjoy meeting new people and can be found joining in livelyconversation with the locals – whether or not they speak the samelanguage. Travel that would stimulate Aquarius is an eco-trip throughBrazil, exploring Alaska by floatplane, renting a beach house in Thailand, aScandinavian visit focusing on folklore and folk crafts. Aquariusgravitates toward the quirky and one-of-a-kind.
(February 19 – March 20) Pisces is the dreamer and poet, drawn to travel that fills the soul and createsserenity. This can be as simple as a weekend of de-stressing at a spa, oras exotic as looking for the spiritual in a Tibetan monastery. Pisceswants to enlarge its vision, whether this means interior soul-searching orexterior exploration. A trip to Sedona or Santa Fe, touring the tombs ofEgyptian pharaohs, seeing Stonehenge, or visiting ancient cathedrals all strikea chord with Pisces. Pisces dislikes highly commercial places (forexample, Las Vegas), and because of sensitive feet shies away from strenuoustrekking.
In addition to TheOnly Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Ms. Woolfolk has written horoscopecolumns for such magazines as MarieClaire, Harper’sBazaar, Redbook,Self, YM, and House Beautiful. Hernewest Sun Sign Serieshas just been published – a collection of 12 books, each dedicated exclusivelyto one zodiac sign. One reviewer has already enthused: “Your SunSign book from Joanna Martine Woolfolk belongs on your night-table – withPost-its stuck to the passages you’ll want to refer to again and again.” To learn more, visit
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