20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

The Halekulani Vision: A Deeper Experience of Hawaii

The occasion was the Amazon Rainforest ParadiseParadox multi-media exhibition in Soho, New York hosted by Peter Shaindlin,Chief Operating Officer of HalekulaniResorts, on a stormy day. By reading the introductory press releaseI had already started to form a question or two. “Why would a Hawaiian Resortbe interested in sponsoring an event about the Amazon Rainforest’s progressivedestruction? How could two of the most beautiful spots in the world be linkedtogether?
I found the answers while I was enjoying thebeautiful, even if sometimes tauntingly cruel, photographs in the show. I was able tointerview Mr. Shaindlin, who spent almost half an hour explaining his visionand his motivations.
First of all, it’s important to note that thephotographs on display were frames captured from one of the documentaries thatwill be premiering at the Hawaiian InternationalFilm Festival 2012 edition (October 11-21).
But there was more linking Halekulani andthe Rainforest. In fact, the first thing Mr. Shaindlin told to me was, “Wewant to direct a spotlight on something we think is important.” Shaindlin believesthat the Halekulani being one of the best resorts in Hawaii has the power to“create awareness” and they want to use this power not only for what’s near andfamiliar, but also what is far away and often overlooked.  The medium of film allows their message to reacheven more people.
I learned more about the impressive renovations that theHalekulani Resorts accomplished this summer. Each of the 453 rooms and suiteshas been refreshed to further capture the natural light and airy visualexpanses on to the sea. Also, an even more focused care has been put into theculinary experience provided for the guests by adding organic and localproducts to the already varied menu.

Shaindlin adds, “Halekulani’s Renewal is basedupon Legacy, Culture, Quality and Service… and reflects our commitmentto remain true to the hotel’s original spirit while evolving and enhancing theunique experience for which we have also come to be known; providing our guestswith a journey of transcendence and fulfillment that cannot be replicated.”
Halekulani presents guests with the opportunity toenrich their vacation not only with beautiful beaches, the spa or fineaccommodations, but also encourages them to explore scenic cultural spots of Honolulu.Halekulani's "For you, Everything" programinvites hotel guests to enjoy the HonoluluMuseum of Arts, the Bishop Museum,the ContemporaryMuseum, the Iolani Palaceand the Doris Duke's Shangri Lawith complimentary tickets for the whole family.
On the same page, families spending their summervacation at Halekulani can choose to engage their children, at an additionalcost, with the Keikilani club summer program, where ages 5-12 are offered funand learning activities such as crabbing, crafting, visits to the Zoo, theAquarium or the Bishop Museum, and kite or surf lessons each day of the week.
What struck me most on that stormy afternoon: itis possible to transform a dream vacation into something that enriches vacationers not only with the memories of a stay in paradise, but also with the pleasure ofexperiencing a new culture.
Contributes by Ambra Malagola via FamilyTravelForum

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